Saturday, February 8, 2020

Final Paper Idea (Blog #1)

As I ponder upon the exact issue/idea that I will be constructing my final paper around, I find it most useful to revolve it around my own personal interests and passions. That being said, I believe my final paper will have quite a bit to do with an individuals overall health (diet, exercise, sleep, etc.),  and the profound effects it has on the students success/failure while attending college and why. I would like to write about this topic because I am interested in the sport of bodybuilding, I also believe that one's general health plays a significant role in whether or not they are successful in whatever they choose to do. I plan on dissecting this topic in further blog posts, possibly focusing on a singular aspect in each posts in order to truly see the profound effects ones health can have on their success in college.

1 comment:

  1. This should be a workable topic. There is no question that college students eat poorly, don't exercise, and definitely do not sleep enough to be productive. You probably could write on any one of these three, and I am sure there is a lot of research just on the effects of sleep deprivation on student success in college.
